October 31, 2011

Good bye October, you were fun, but I've had enough

Out of 31 movies to watch during the month, Bearded Man and I got around to only watching 4 or 5. Life happens, sometimes you just can't get to every movie, sometimes House Hunters and  KTVU news is just more interesting.
Let me do a quick recap:
We never got to the end of Evil Dead because we were watching news coverage on Occupy Oakland that night.

I was happy that we got around to watching both versions of Halloween.

Bearded Man and I before going to the Camellos' Halloween shindig. I must say, that after that night I don't think I want to drink for a long while. I'm happy that November begins tomorrow and we can all just relax. 
Happy Halloween!


  1. agreed! I am ready to sit under blankets and be lazy for two full months!
