December 28, 2011

My first

Homemade pizza!
I don't think I can ever go back to ordering pizza again...well, maybe if it's from Pizza & Curry. I had told myself earlier in the year that I wanted to attempt to make a pizza. Off to Trader Joe's it was to get the ingredients:
Pre-made pizza dough
pesto sauce
chopped pancetta
sliced Roma tomatoes
Assemble it any way you want, stick in in the oven at 400 for 15 minutes and there it is!
Just add your favorite beer.


  1. Any time you two want a pizza and have a beer give us a call.

  2. I make pizza all the time and you know what douchebag husbando always says?
    " this is good but I like takeout better" grrr!!
    P.s. yours looks yummier than mine!!

  3. That's not a very nice thing to say to your wife, Ant!
    And thanks, Kelsey. I was surprised and also very happy that Bryan liked it a lot. We had a lot of leftovers.
