March 31, 2012

Henry Rollins

The show was everything that I hoped for and more. How a man can stand up and speak for three hours straight and not take a break to drink some water or take a piss is beyond me, but that's why Henry Rollins is so great.

If you missed him this time around, I'm sure he'll be back. You can check out dates here. Whatever your opinions are of him as a musician, writer, actor, whatever, forget that. Just go listen to him speak, he basically said everything I'd thought about at one point, but would I be able to do what he does night after night? No. 

March 29, 2012

Spring is here and it's time to ride

I'm a baby when it comes to riding my bike in the cold, rainy, and windy weather. I hate it, I whine, and ride slower than usual. But yesterday was a nice break from the rain and Bearded Man and I went on a quick ride around Coyote Hills before we ate dinner.  Coyote Hills is so close to us, it's basically in our backyard and people from all over the bay area drive to hike or ride their bikes around here. On our way home, we stopped by the Peace Out bus stop and took a few photos there.

 Doing my best impression of Henry in this photo.

March 25, 2012

The things that stick with you

Sometimes I never listen to what the singer in a band has to say, it's either because I can't hear from the ear plugs that I wear to protect my shitty hearing or I just flat out tune out when the music stops in between songs and only tune in when the music starts. I'd seen the band OUTLOOK once before and the singer of the band, a cool girl named Adriana, was telling a story about her cousin in the navy who was ashamed of the things he had to do during his tours in Iraq. I don't know why that story stuck with me, why I've thought about that story many times after that. She told the story today, and even though I'd heard her tell the story before, it still made me a little teary-eyed. And then I saw one of the best sets.

March 18, 2012

Sitting in a car with nothing to talk about

These are the results. I let Bearded Man draw all over my arms while we waited in the car for my sisters to finish up some shopping. He's pretty good.

March 13, 2012

RIP sweet ass back patch

It was either making room for a new hoodie in my closet or I could save some money and just take off this patch that's been on the back of my hoodie for the last 2 years. 
I'm growing up a little, guys! 
The patch won't go to waste! I'll probably make a pillowcase out of it

March 11, 2012

Skateboard "art"

Bearded Man asked me to draw something on his new skateboard and this is all I could come up with.

March 10, 2012

My tia duties for the day

Usually people don't want to leave their kids in the hands of a person who doesn't really want kids. But trust me, I'm the oldest of 4, I know how to babysit. 
This is my version of adventures in babysitting:

March 8, 2012

International Women's Day

Happy International Women's Day!
We're living in some really weird and fucked up times right now as women, but we've got to be strong and not let the crazy rich men (and their supporters) bring us down.
Also, this is my new notebook I got to write down possible zine ideas. So far so good!

March 4, 2012

Zines, wonderful zines!

Today I got the great idea to start a zine of my own. 
I have no idea why out of nowhere this idea popped in my head. 
Lately I've been in a slump in my life, I got sick and it's just now going away. So now that my energy to do things is coming back little by little, I want to do things. Lots of things! 
And one of those things is starting a zine of my own.
Something to share with my friends, and all of my 5 readers for AWCA!
Tell me what your favorite zines are!!! I want to know.