April 7, 2012

Comfort in hiding

Today I was looking at past photos and found a pattern. There are a ton of photos of me with my sunglasses on. I'd told Bearded Man about my realization and he told me I was more comfortable hiding my face than showing it. This is very true. I am not comfortable showing my face. Not that I don't show my face, I don't wear my sunglasses at work, people still do see my face. Maybe it's because I was teased as a kid for being "ugly" (standard shit kids say to other kids), I think it's best to just hide behind my sunglasses. Or maybe it's because I saw photos of Jackie O in her signature shades, I started emulating her at a young age. Walking out the door with my shades on. Whatever the fuck it is, I find comfort in my sunglasses, hiding. 


  1. I enjoy your writing style. I wish you lived out here again so that you and I could collaborate in writing for the Modern Beadworks Blog. I'm finding it difficult to find some relevant commentary. But then again anything's relevant if I say so, isn't it?

    1. Maybe we can collaborate from both our ends of California. I enjoy your blog a lot, it's a good mixture of music, photos, and I absolutely love your writing. Miss you a ton!
